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STRUCTURE BUILDING - The Foamcore/Veneer method
An OnLine Clinic presented by HORAILROAD.COM
If you want to take away some of the challenge of cutting exactly ninety degrees you can make a simple tool from a block of 1x4, two screws and the blade from a box knife. 
Here you see me using such a tool, pulled along an aluminum yardstick.

The advantage of this tool is that the block lays flat on the yardstick and keeps the blade at ninety degrees.

Because the block runs over the surface of the ruler its difficult to hold in position with your other hand.

Clamping a yardstick to the work surface at each end works well and keeps your hands away from the blade.

cl2_020_cuttool.jpg (44540 bytes)

I use this tool for cutting full sheets and the hobby knife for cutting smaller pieces.


The OnLine Clinic copyright 2001 by Ken Spranza and